Community Involvement
Sharing the Gospel, Serving the Poor, Finding the Lost
‘Camp’ camp
Mission Statement: To provide a welcoming and safe space in a beautiful, natural setting where LGBTQ adults may enjoy creative, social, outdoor, group and/or individual activities of their own choosing, and which fosters a sense of community.
Thou Shall Knot Ministry
This ministry provides a calm, Christian atmosphere for the study of God's word, prayer and fellowship for those who love yarn crafts and have a love for presenting their finished works to others.
Meditations while crocheting With Bishop Felicia Williams-Jackson
Bring your projects. Your crafts do not have to be crochet. All crafts are welcome. We will pray, crochet and share our patterns thoughts and prayer requests during our session. You do not have to crochet or work on any project. Perhaps our lively sessions will inspire you to learn a new craft while we study God's word. New Ideas are always welcome!
Thursdays @ 7pm EST online : Coming Soon