Wednesdays & Fridays beginning December 4th at 7 p.m. EST
Death and Advent are not often thought of at the same time. However, they are very much intertwined. Our death is always a certainty. We might not like to think about it but it is coming. In addition, Advent prepares us for the birth of Christ. We like the birth of things, people, animals, and projects. Births are a time to celebrate. While Christ’s birth is definitely a reason to celebrate, we need to understand why he was born into the world. Simply, it was to die on a cross for our salvation from our sins. As is told in the Bible, “For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Therefore, Christ’s death is paramount in our salvation. This bible study for Advent is found in the book, Memento Mori “Remember you will die” explores Christ’s birth and death with our salvation. Please enjoy this free Advent Bible study.
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