Pray Without Ceasing
Weekend Retreat
I Thessalonians 5: 12-24
A theological retreat. This was my very first parish retreat and it has become one of the most popular. Most people want to know how it is possible to pray all the time. In my seminary class, the professor ask candidates how much time they spent in prayer and then qualified his question by saying that prayer in the car on the way to an appointment did not count. We found that we do not take the appropriate amount of time to sit in the presence of God as the expectations of the world intrude on our day. This retreat takes a look at historic prayer forms, spiritual disciplines and the “Inward, Upward and Outward Journeys” to prayer. In taking the time to have daily “mini” retreats of prayer we will become spiritually and psychologically healthier.
Session I: The Divine Office
Session II: The Psychology of Prayer
Session III: Finding the Heart’s True Home
Session IV: Taking Prayer to the Parish